Dr. Patricia

Dr. Patricia Dues is a lead faculty in project management field and she is internationally known in the field of information technology. She has been in the field of technology over 30 years with a focus on project management. For over 15 years she managed the Enterprise Program Office for the City of Las Vegas. She received her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification in 2005. Dr. Dues was named the 2008 Las Vegas Emerging Public Administrator of the Year by the Association of Public Administration.

A member of the board of directors of the Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) since 2001, she has served as president for three terms, in addition to holding other executive board offices. She chairs international councils and committees as a member of the board of the International Oracle Users Council (IOUC). For her volunteer contributions of providing white papers and presentations on the use of Oracle applications and technology she received an Oracle Ace designation. Dr. Dues was named User Group Evangelist of 2009 by Oracle magazine, and has presented papers worldwide, with the most current in Dubai in May 2009.

Dr. Dues holds accredited degrees that include: Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a minor in Business Administration (BA) from the University of Washington; a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Phoenix; and a Doctorate in Management in Organizational Leadership with a focus on Information Systems and Technology (DMIST) from the University of Phoenix, School of Advanced Studies.

Dr. Dues is currently an associate faculty member for University of Phoenix, Las Vegas and online campuses. She teaches in the School of Business and the Information Systems and Technology College.

Additional published works include her dissertation: Quantitative Correlation of Enterprise Resource Planning Type, Success and Technology Leadership Style in Local Government, and Oracle, OAUG Collaborate, OAUG Connection Point, GFOA, and AWWA, and Gartner conference presentations and white papers: You Don’t Have to Gamble on Good Customer Service, BPEL People, BPEL and Business Intelligence, Enterprise Resource Planning
– Fact or Fiction.